World Cup 2022: What Marketers Need to Know

August, 2022

In 2018, Horizon Media’s Multicultural team, tapping into WHY’s proprietary social intelligence approach, explored the emotional meaning of soccer, finding that unlike other sports and especially for Hispanic audiences, it has everything to do with heart. But when we set out to explore how the stage is set for the upcoming 2022 World Cup, we discovered a new landscape: a soccer fandom that’s more diverse than ever, in the lead-up to a tournament that will be like no other.

Cultural pride is a big part of soccer, and when many think of US soccer fans, they think “Hispanic.” But with a fanbase that’s getting more diverse every year, soccer offers brands ways to connect across the Polycultural spectrum.

In this August 2022 report, we outline 5 key things marketers and brands need to know ahead of the upcoming Cup:

  • The “heart” of soccer beats on
  • US soccer fandom is more diverse than ever
  • This World Cup will be like no other
  • The unique cultural challenges in being “the world’s sport”
  • This heart-led story will unfold in real-time – so keep up!

Click ‘Download PDF’ below to access the full report.

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