The New Middle Age

June, 2024

Society’s definition of middle age is experiencing a renaissance.

Historical milestones like first-time homebuying and parenthood are being postponed to older ages while breakthroughs in technology and medicine are extending lifespans. At the same time, cultural depictions and perceptions of midlife have transitioned from stereotypical tropes to more nuanced, and sometimes glamorized portrayals. But there’s still more that can be done to shine a light on the full glory, wisdom, and power of this cohort.

As marketers continue to invest significant time and money in a youth-focused culture — where many are financially dependent on their parents for longer — it’s essential that brands focus on the cohort that has the most power to spend: middle-agers with $2 trillion. When expanding this group to include those who feel middle-aged, we uncovered an even bigger untapped spending power: $4.5T.

This report examines whether midlife affects brand preferences and spending habits, and what cultural tensions are most prevalent for middle-agers. We’ve also evaluated the effectiveness of brand communications targeted at this specific cohort, revealing insightful patterns and distinctions for marketers to embrace.

To access the full report, click ‘Download PDF’ below.

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