What Are The Odds? Sports Betting in the Age of COVID-19

With momentum gaining across states to legalize gambling, the 2019-2020 season could have been a whole new world in terms of sports betting. Then at the height of the some of the more popular leagues’ seasons and events for sports bettors, along came COVID-19 and with it the suspension of live sports.

With 40% of sports fans and 1/3 of all people saying they’ve at least dabbled in sports betting, Horizon Media wondered – how are sports bettors coping? 

Research indicates that even though live sports are paused, that doesn’t mean betting has stopped. In fact, 50% of sports bettors say they are likely to place a bet while sports are suspended. Nearly half (45%) already have.

Sports betting is more than just the chance to make some money. Betting offers socialization, stimulation, and distraction – things that are increasingly scarce in a time of social distancing. So when the everyday is starting to feel more and more like Groundhog Day, sports bettors are eagerly seeking ways to add a bit of the unexpectedness, thrill, and excitement back into their life.

While not surprisingly sports bettors are turning to simulated games and/or online casinos to scratch their betting itch, ~40% say they are making “random” bets with friends and family.

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From Coronavirus figures to weather to well, “anything,” bettors are looking to amplify their everyday, and nothing seems off limits. Yet despite engaging in some wagering here and there, 80% of all bettors say they miss betting on live sports, ~1 in 5 are “going crazy without it.”

This need for stimulation, spontaneity and risk provides an interesting opportunity for brands to flex their gamification strategy muscles, a fresh way to connect with an audience who is hungry for more than a bit of action and striving to break the monotony of their everyday. And with over 80% of sport bettors reallocating their sports betting budget to other areas in their life, stakes are high. Understanding how to tap into these emotional benefits can yield a promising ‘pay day’ for brands.


Source: Horizon Media, Finger on the Pulse. Survey fielded 3/25/20 – 4/3/20, n=1,067

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