Securing Communities

COVID-19 has taken a toll on both the economy and society, leaving many people calling for action. Apocalypse Proofing is the mainstream mission to undo destruction and prevent further harm.

To help stop the spread of the virus, face masks are now mandated staples; however, they pose a problem for people with hearing impairments who rely on lip-reading to communicate. Stepping in is one student in Kentucky, Ashley Lawrence. Her GoFundMe campaign raised over $3,000 to design and send modified face masks that keep the mouth visible for those who need to read lips. Since Ashley took action, others like Eric Kim in Oregon have followed suit in their communities.

Strength in numbers is key, and people are also finding ways to help businesses. After news came out that USPS’s business is down by one third, people across the country used their purchasing power to keep the Postal Service afloat by ordering stamps. Since the USPS did not receive financial aid from the government, citizens took matters into their own hands in an effort to prevent the institution’s demise.

Aid for brands also comes from grass roots organizing, too. The city of Burleson Texas created a gift cards website for local businesses, allowing anyone to easily purchase or donate to help favorite independent retailers and restaurants survive the pandemic.

Brands can also help people weather the storm. A grocery retailer can create a “buy a package, send a package” delivery program where a percentage of each order goes towards fighting food insecurity. As people put money toward their own survival, their own purchases activate brands to extend help to those in need during these trying times.

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