When deciding if Novak Djokovic should be allowed to play in the Australian Open, opinions were polarized in the US.
Elevating Support
As people unite to break down faulty systems, the community is budding with a renewed sense of camaraderie and determination to create new ones. In fact, 75% of U.S. adults say they “believe in order to ensure a prosperous future, our society must prioritize the health of people over the health of the economy.”*
Aid is coming from individuals and brands. With many around the globe struggling to make ends meet in uncertain times, Stockton California mayor Michael Tubbs formed the Mayors For A Guaranteed Income coalition. Their goal is to replicate universal basic income programs in multiple states, providing a present and future lifeline to those in need.
Other organizations are bolstering Black voices by amplifying support systems during protests for racial justice. Black-led group, @streetridersnyc, offers a community safety net of protection by using cyclists as barriers between marching protestors and the public. Recently, they successfully convinced Lyft’s Citibike to waive rider fees and provide bikes to demonstrators, while also assembling their 5th Justice Ride which amassed 15,000 riders.
While people continue to lift each other up, networks are supporting families through this tumultuous time. Nickelodeon launched Kids, Race, and Unity featuring leaders of the Black Lives Matter movement to answer questions their young viewers have. The series also gives families tools to have constructive conversations around racial injustice.
Brands can elevate support too. For example, a CPG cleaning brand could develop ways to rally communities for continuous mutual support. Think “Good Samaritan Challenge,” where neighborhoods that participate in community clean-ups using your products can receive monetary aid to help with local repairs or food distribution.
Source: *Horizon Media Finger on the Pulse. Fielded, 6/25/20 – 6/29/20, n=1170