2022 LGBTQ+ Media Handbook Summary

March, 2023

From Horizon Media’s Multicultural group, we’ve outlined a summary of our 2022 LGBTQ+ media handbook. The report offers insight into who this group is, how they interact with media, the content they choose to engage with, and how identity and culture drive their path to purchase. 

Despite the increased representation and visibility of this varied community, corporate support for LGBTQ+ inclusion in advertising, especially among advertisers, is relatively weak. The majority of advertisers and agencies feel there is a risk involved with the inclusion of LGBTQ+ people and scenarios in advertising.

Moving forward, it’s crucial to check in on best practices for authentically engaging with the LGBTQ+ community. For our research and thought starters on how to take action, read our full summary.

Click ‘Download PDF’ below for the full report.

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