Social Media Trust Tracker: Election Impact

The first five issues of the Social Media Trust Tracker found that users deemed trustworthiness important, but consistently rated platforms poorly on trustworthiness. And yet, use remains strong — even the looming TikTok ban failed to drive any meaningful exodus.

This paradox prompted a deeper dive into the real drivers of social media engagement. Instead of focusing solely on trust, we now explore the intersection of platform utility, satisfaction, and user loyalty. Understanding these dynamics is essential for marketers aiming to maximize their social strategies in this evolving landscape.

What’s Happening:

Social media is again in the cross-hairs as the election takes over, especially on social media, with over 400M online posts in the past 5+ months. X owner Elon Musk has endorsed President Trump, polarization has led to concerns around a stolen election, and deepfakes are swirling. There is still a strong chance that political events, leading up to and post-election, could have a lasting impact on how we view social media.

In this report, we set out to understand:

  • How do satisfaction and trust intersect with platform utility?
  • What keeps users coming back?
  • Will the election have an impact on how we perceive social media platforms?
  • What is user sentiment on AI and deepfakes?
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